Magnetic field, cold laser, acupuncture, ART, percussor, and adjustments today. Lots of treatments and rehabilitation to date and making progress. I am still aiming to return to clinic on a modified schedule starting Monday July 29th. Please call AIM clinic if you would like to book an appointment when I return - (905) 812-0644.
I wanted to really thank the many great therapists that are and will be helping me along the way. I am happy to share them as referral sources:
Dr. Ken Kinakin - Chiropractor at AIM Health Group
Susan and Nancy Scagnetti - Massage Therapists at
Health in Hands
Emerito Daluz - Massage Therapist and Sports Injury Therapist at The Clinic Corner
Catherine Cabral-Marotta - Osteopath, Athletic Therapist, and Massage Therapist at Zawada Health
Michael Hoffastrater - Physiotherapist at Elite Physio
Marzena Werykowicz - Massage Therapist at City View Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic