Custom Made Foot Orthotics
An ORTHOTIC is a foot-supporting device also known as a custom insole. Custom Foot Orthotics support, correct and accommodate the 26 bones, 2 sesamoid bones, tendons, ligaments, and plantar fascia band in each foot.
Foot Orthotics allow the muscles, tendons and bones of the feet through open and closed chain joint migration, up through the legs, hip and lower back, to function at their optimal potential for our body weight, structure, walking pattern and life styles.
When appropriately prescribed and more importantly, appropriately manufactured, Custom Foot Orthotics can decrease pain and discomfort in the foot, ankles, knees, hips and back. Custom Foot Orthotics increase our stability, prevent further progression of bony deformities, soft tissue pain, burning and numbness and help to improve our overall quality of life in our activities of daily living.
With enough functional correction from a Custom Foot Orthotic, the foot structure can be aligned to give more propulsion, making walking, running and even cycling more efficient.
Along with aligning the foot structure, the Custom Foot Orthotic reduces muscular fatigue and helps to promote more efficient muscle performance thus enhancing performance during the gait cycle.
For more information about Custom Food Orthotics, please visit Premier Orthotics Lab website.
Dr. Anisko is trained in assessing foot and walking (gait) mechanics for prescription of custom made orthotics through foam casting and computerized gait analysis. If you have Extended Health Benefits, please ask your insurance company if you are covered for custom made orthotics prescribed by a chiropractor.
Foot Orthotics allow the muscles, tendons and bones of the feet through open and closed chain joint migration, up through the legs, hip and lower back, to function at their optimal potential for our body weight, structure, walking pattern and life styles.
When appropriately prescribed and more importantly, appropriately manufactured, Custom Foot Orthotics can decrease pain and discomfort in the foot, ankles, knees, hips and back. Custom Foot Orthotics increase our stability, prevent further progression of bony deformities, soft tissue pain, burning and numbness and help to improve our overall quality of life in our activities of daily living.
With enough functional correction from a Custom Foot Orthotic, the foot structure can be aligned to give more propulsion, making walking, running and even cycling more efficient.
Along with aligning the foot structure, the Custom Foot Orthotic reduces muscular fatigue and helps to promote more efficient muscle performance thus enhancing performance during the gait cycle.
For more information about Custom Food Orthotics, please visit Premier Orthotics Lab website.
Dr. Anisko is trained in assessing foot and walking (gait) mechanics for prescription of custom made orthotics through foam casting and computerized gait analysis. If you have Extended Health Benefits, please ask your insurance company if you are covered for custom made orthotics prescribed by a chiropractor.